Cuida niños?
Aprenda el Método Conexiones para la Educación Temprana en Español y mejore su ingreso!
Únete a nosotros para una sesión de capacitación
Certificación: Obtén una certificación en el método Conexiones.
Capacitación: Diseñada para proveedores de cuidado infantil para convertirse en educadores capacitados y defensores de la paz.
Instructora: Dirigido por Kimberly “Kimba” Newton, MEd
Currículo: Aprende un enfoque eficaz para la primera infancia que:
Conecta a los niños con la naturaleza.
Introduce culturas diversas.
Fomenta la expresión creativa.
Promueve la autoconciencia.
Ambientes adecuados: Para niñeras, guarderías, campamentos y clases de 8-15 estudiantes.
Objetivos: Empodera a los niños para contribuir a un mundo pacífico.
Impacto Social: Aborda problemas críticos como racismo, sexismo, xenofobia y clasismo.
Our Story:
The Latina Mission Moms Committee was created in the summer of 2020 to address the crisis in education and the decline in our children's mental and emotional well-being due to COVID-19 and the closing of public schools in San Francisco. Our children had been part of the Mission Ritmo y Tradición music program, a free service for the local Latino community, which was halted because of the pandemic. In response, the mothers came together to form our committee and restart outdoor music workshops. We also launched an online storytelling program called "Tales from the Middle of the World and the Navel of the Moon" to help us stay connected during isolation. This storytelling initiative provided a space for sharing, reconnecting us with our roots and ancestral wisdom in the face of assimilation pressures.
Abya Yala
Mission Moms Committee
& Ma-Padres Collective
The Abya Yala (Native Latin American Mission Mom’s Committee LMMC) is an independent group with two main goals:
Addressing educational gaps affecting our children.
Reducing the negative effects on mental and emotional health caused by COVID-19 measures, lockdowns, school closures, and related social issues and violence.
We work towards these goals by promoting Latin American identity and cultural knowledge. We also create spaces for the Latino community to unite and generate resources to meet our families' needs beyond education.
Our children and youth have been deeply affected by learning loss and emotional issues. As mothers, we have seen how long confinement and too much screen time have harmed them: significant learning loss, worsening mental health in teenagers, and struggles with social skills, especially among English language learners. In response, mothers on the committee, along with community members and allies, are creating a supportive community focused on learning and healing. We are dedicated to caring for our families and offering growth opportunities for our children and youth. We believe that a community built on love and respect can help us address social challenges. We are currently establishing the Mushuk Nina gardens, a place for learning and healing where knowledge is shared and support is encouraged.