Spanish Language & Latino
Culture Integration for Families & Youth
IntegrArte SF facilitates:
Creation of Spaces and Projects: Where children and youth from diverse backgrounds can learn and practice Spanish.
Cultural and Familial Ties: Helping maintain and strengthen connections for Latino children and youth.
In addition to promoting participation within the Latino community, we welcome everyone interested in learning culturally rooted Spanish through fun and enriching activities:
Permaculture & Gardening
Ancestral Traditions and Herbal Medicine
Family Connections
Workshops on Herbalism and Medicine Making
Health & Well Being Education
Science Tutoring
Music and more!
With these funds, we create learning communities that positively impact the lives of women and children.
Investing in the Latino Community.
As immigrants, parents, and professionals from Latin America living in and enriching the diversity of San Francisco, we are the custodians of our culture and language. This role carries the responsibility of passing our heritage and language to the next generation, preserving our cultural identity, and safeguarding the multicultural essence of our city.
IntegrArte SF’s mission is to support everyone in learning Spanish by immersing them in our culture and traditions through activities such as art, music, dance, theater, science, permaculture and gardening
IntegrArte SF aims to become a self-sustaining organization that generates resources to invest in cultural and educational projects, promote cultural exchange to strengthen connections between the United States and Latin American communities, and share the richness of Latin American culture and identity.